Nov 24, 2022
Today we are crossing asking a guy out off the list. After our four-hour first date, I bring him on the podcast as a guest and interview him. You’ll never guess what happens next.
I’d love to hear from you! Let me know if you have any questions or takeaways, any stories to share, or if you’re making your...
Nov 17, 2022
Tune in for a heaping dose of dating horror stories as I cross
"Juggling multiple men" off my bucket list.
Also, I found my fireman.
I invited my friends, The Money Mavens (Josie May and Charlotte
Balbier) to help get my mindset right around the “numbers game of
dating.” Whether you’re trying to land a partner or...
Nov 10, 2022
Nov 3, 2022
This is the part of the story that my BFF's husband calls the “rom-com.” Best first date ever, arguably the best second date ever, and a long-distance fling. Ending with crossing something massive (the number one item) off my bucket list (no spoiler alerts). Let the games begin!
I’d love to hear from you! Let me...